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Your 4% Withdrawal Strategy May Not Be Enough

| January 07, 2022


Get the Tax Guidance You Need to Help Live the Retirement You Desire

业内专家非常担心,普遍实行的4%提款规定能否在退休期间提供足够的收入, 但很少有人讨论税收在你实际拥有多少现金方面所起的重要作用. 这就是为什么如果你想确保你有足够的钱来追求你所设想的退休生活,与一个具有税务知识的金融专业人士交谈应该是你财富管理策略的关键部分.

The 4% Withdrawal Rule

在不耗尽退休基金的情况下,你每年可以提取多少钱,最流行的方法之一是4%规则. Stated simply, 你第一年提取退休储蓄的4%,然后每年增加1%到2%,以调整通货膨胀. It is an easy strategy to apply, but lately, 很多人担心,它不会跟上通货膨胀的步伐,也不会为退休人员提供可预测的收入. 


Which Accounts You Draw From Can Make All The Difference

尽管大多数人都同意,将退休储蓄分散到不同的账户,并采用不同的税收待遇是理想的, the consensus often stops there when it comes to which accounts to draw from first. 这时,终身专家的建议可以帮助你针对自己的特殊情况制定最合适的策略. For example:

When Accumulation is a Priority

你可以先从你的AG捕鱼王新版app下载账户中提款——给你的401(k)和个人退休账户积累更多的时间. This approach lets you take advantage of tax-free compound earnings as long as possible. 注意:在任何AG捕鱼王新版app下载账户提款之前,您需要获取所需的最低分配(rmd),否则将面临潜在的处罚.

When Your RMDs Push You Into a Higher Tax Bracket

If you have substantial funds in taxable, tax-deferred and non-taxed accounts, you run the risk of paying considerable taxes when RMDs hit. By taking any additional retirement income from your Roth account, 与第一种方法相比,你可以潜在地避免更高的资本利得税.

When you want to avoid an unexpected tax bill

从应税(AG捕鱼王新版app下载)和递延税收的传统账户和401(k)账户中提取一部分收入,把罗斯个人退休账户留到最后. 这种方法有助于避免在退休中期由于rmd而可能出现的更高税率. Instead, 在你的退休生涯中,你可以更平均地分配税收,以实现一个更可预测的预算过程.

When Your Current Tax Bracket is High

With this approach, 当你处于最高预期等级时,你将从免税账户中提取;当你处于最低预期等级时,你将从递延税账户中提取. Much like the previous strategy, 这样做的目的是尽量减少你的纳税义务,并在较长一段时间内平衡纳税.

When You're Worried About the Impact of Taxes on Heirs

拥有巨额财富的客户如果不担心退休后是否有足够的钱,最好还是关注他们的遗产对继承人可能产生的影响. By taking from Traditional IRAs and 401(k) s first, you can leave your Roth IRA to loved ones to minimize their taxes.


Tax-Smart Strategies Apply No Matter What Your Approach

运用明智的税收策略可以帮助你积累财富,保障你的退休生活,无论你使用哪种提款方式. 一个专注于税收的财务专家不仅会帮助你确定你可以安全花掉多少钱, but which accounts to withdraw from to help as you pursue your goals. Some alternatives you might discuss include:

  • Using the fixed withdrawals method, you simply take the same amount annually as a flat rate or a percentage of your investments. This approach doesn’t account for inflation, however, and if you need to withdraw money during a down market, you could deplete your income more quickly than they want. 也就是说,首先从AG捕鱼王新版app下载账户中取款可以帮助你在退休账户中积累更多的复合收入.
  • The total return strategy 意味着你一次取出足够3-12个月的生活费用,剩下的部分只在需要的时候才取出额外的资金. This strategy can help build assets, 但它也会受到市场风险的影响,如果你对风险感到不舒服,或者在市场下跌时没有足够的资金放弃撤资,它就不是一个好的选择. 你的理财专家可以帮助你确定你是否有足够的资产来安全地满足你的收入需求和抵御市场波动.
  • The bucket strategy is a way of dividing retirement assets among three “buckets” — one for more immediate spending, one for money needed over the next 7-36 months, and one where assets will not be needed for at least 24 months. The first bucket holds extremely liquid assets like a savings account. 第二桶是中等流动性的,如高收益的定期存单,第三桶是AG捕鱼王新版app下载于股市的增长. Once the first bucket is depleted, money is shifted from bucket 2 to 1 and so forth. 这种方法兼顾了安全和增长,但如果没有终身税务专家的帮助,可能会很耗时,而且很难实施. 


Don't Wait to Start the Conversation

为退休账户提款制定一个明智的税收策略,不应该等到退休后再做. 现在与理财专家会面可能会对你的整体财富产生重大影响. With tax-smart guidance, 你可以构建你的账户,以便在积累和提取阶段都能最大限度地利用你的资产, and as your needs change, so should your approach.

让我们的终身理财专家带你走上一条道路,通过积累财富和减少税收的方式,让你在财务上更有信心,这样你就可以追求你想象的生活方式——无论是现在还是退休后. Contact us today to start the conversation.