Retirement Read Time: 4 min

FIRE Retirement

If the idea of retiring in your early 50s, 40s, 30s, or even late 20s appeals to you, 你可能有兴趣加入FIRE退休计划. 专为那些有自律和现金流的人而设计, FIRE是通往不需要工作的生活方式的有效途径. 在本文中,我们将讨论什么是FIRE,以及它是否适合您.

What is FIRE?

FIRE stands for "Financial Independence, Retire Early." This program, inspired by Vicki Robin's book "Your Money or Your Life,“是建立在每月比传统退休方式节省更多钱的前提下,并利用低费用的AG捕鱼王新版app下载选择,能够比传统年龄更早地退休。.1

FIRE的“财务独立”部分被认为是你年开支的25倍. For example, if you decided you'd need $50,000 a year to live off of in retirement, you would need to save 50,000 x 25, or $1.25 million to be considered financially independent. Once that number has been met, you'd be able to retire and enjoy a life of financial freedom, 每年从你的储备金中提取3%到4%.

Top Considerations Before Joining the FIRE Movement

Retiring in your 30s may sound too good to be true. In fact, 整个FIRE运动和提前退休的前提听起来更像是白日梦,而不是现实. And for some, it may be just that. 但对于那些能够或愿意接受这种生活方式的人来说, financial independence early in life can be possible. 在决定FIRE项目是否适合你之前,这里有一些重要的考虑因素.

Consideration #1: You'll Need to Spend Wisely

FIRE计划的主要因素是收入、费用和时间. The idea being, the bigger the gap between income and expenses, 你实现经济独立的时间就越少. And while it may sound extreme, 这取决于你的退休时间和期望的收入水平, 你可以把收入的一半以上存起来,为提前退休做准备. 这是需要单独计算的, as it is based on your income level and current expenses. However, 现在,节俭的生活方式几乎一直是FIRE计划和其他提前退休者的普遍要求.


For those looking to retire early using the FIRE method, "retirement" doesn't mean sitting around and doing nothing. FIRE的追随者通常更关注首字母缩略词的第一部分, "financial independence," than they are on retiring early. 这意味着他们可能会在退休后继续工作,或者追求一个他们以前由于全职工作的限制而无法实现的激情项目.

Consideration #3: You'll Want a "Why"

Like many financial goals, 很难找到不出去吃饭或花钱买新衣服的动机. When you have a nondescript idea of retiring early, 没有什么动机让我们为了10年后提前退休而放弃今天的一些享受. Instead, 那些接受FIRE方法的人通常会给他们的储蓄计划一个“为什么”, and it’s important to get as specific as possible. 明确你的“为什么”,并让它引导你朝着财务独立的方向取得积极进展.

FIRE计划是一种很有吸引力的提早退休方式,它让追随者可以灵活地做自己喜欢的事情. It does, however, 采取自律和今天少花钱的能力,为明天存钱. If you’re considering the FIRE method, 与财务专家合作可能是明智的,他们可以帮助你了解你目前的消费习惯,以及你需要什么才能在提前退休时获得财务独立.

1., 2023

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